Immediately Stopping Sales for a Performance

For various reasons, you may need to immediately “turn off” all further sales or reservations for a performance.

The quickest way to do this is to go to the Season tab and click on the production. When the production page appears, click on the date of the performance in question. When the page appears with the details of this performance, set the “Max advance sales” field to zero. When you click the Save Changes button, a warning will appear to confirm that this action will effectively stop all sales for this performance. Click the OK button to immediately stop all sales and reservations for this performance.

You may also put “Canceled” or “Rescheduled” or any other short descriptive phrase in the Description field on the same page. (Be sure to save your changes.) This will cause “Canceled” or whatever you typed in this field to appear next to the show date in the dropdown list when patrons are selecting a performance for purchasing tickets or making a reservation.

Note that if you want to stop certain types of tickets from being purchased or reserved for this performance instead of all advance sales, that is possible also. Go to the Season tab and click on the production. When the production page appears, click on the down arrow to the left of the performance in question. This will reveal all ticket redemptions valid for the performance. You can click on any of these to change the advance sales limits, or you can also stop advance sales on any ticket type by setting its “End sales date” to a date in the past.