Financial Reports

Every dollar from sales and donations is credited to an account code. You can think of account codes as fund numbers. For example, if you use external software such as QuickBooks to do your accounting, you can create account codes in Audience1st that match the numerical codes QuickBooks typically uses.

See this article to learn how to create and edit account codes, and how to direct sales and donations into specific account codes.

Revenue Details Report

The Revenue Details report, launched from the Reports tab, is the key financial report in Audience1st. You may report on financial transactions for one show, one performance, or a date range. Reports will show all relevant transactions broken out by payment method and account code.

The Revenue Details report run for one show or one performance will include all ticket sale transactions for the show or performance. Subscriptions, sales of nonticket items, and donations will not be included.

The Revenue Details report run for a date range will include all financial transactions that took place during the specified time period. This includes subscriptions, single ticket sales, nonticket items, and donations.

The report can either be displayed on the screen or downloaded to Excel for further manipulation and examination. Downloading the report to Excel will include additional information not displayed on screen.

By creating multiple account codes you can track revenue as closely as you wish. For example, you could use account codes to differentiate adult single ticket sales from youth and senior ticket sales to get a clear picture of how the different age brackets are used by your community. You could also use separate account codes for different fundraising campaigns so that you’ll know how effective individual email campaigns were, or how much money was donated to the new chair fund, and so forth.