Looking Up or Adding a User

In Audience1st a user is a person the system knows about. Typically the user will have a login (email address and password), but in the case where a person buys all of their tickets through the box office and never uses Audience1st directly there will be no login information.

Most users are patrons, people who subscribe or buy tickets and come to performances. In addition to patrons there are the theater staff, who we usually refer to collectively as admins even though there are five different security levels for theater staff.

If you’re logged in as any kind of admin (i.e. Staff or higher privilege), under the main navigation tabs is a yellow ribbon that contains a search box and some action buttons. This is the user navigation area, which only admins can see.

To search for a user you may start to type their name, email address, or mailing address into the user search box and auto-complete possible matches will appear as you type. When you see the user you are looking for in the auto-complete list, select it and you will navigate to that user.

You can also browse the entire list of users by clicking the “List All” button in the user navigation area. You can then click on the name of the desired user to navigate to them.

When you navigate to a user, by default you will end up in their “My Tickets” view, which shows their ticket purchases, reservations, and subscription purchases. Once there, you can also click the Billing/Contact, Change Password, and other tabs to navigate to other screens on behalf of that user.

When You Have Located the Desired User

No matter how you look up a user, once you select them they become the current user, and their name now appears in the user navigation area.

You are now acting on behalf of the current user, and these buttons appear in the yellow user navigation area:

  • Add Comps – add complimentary tickets to the user’s account, either open (unreserved) or reserved for a particular performance
  • Orders – list this user’s order history
  • Transfer – transfer items from this user to another customer
  • Donations – list this user’s donation history (actually an alias for the main Donations screen, but with “restrict to user” selected)
  • Transactions – list the transaction log for this user in a structured format
  • New Donation – record a new donation for this user

In addition, clicking the “Buy Tickets” tab will enter the regular tickets sales flow with this user selected as the purchaser and recipient. This purchase flow is the same one the user would see if they self-purchase, except that their only payment option is credit card whereas you can record a cash or check sale as well.

Click the Billing/Contact tab to see or modify the user’s contact information (mailing address, email, etc.) You can make changes and click Save to update the user’s contact info. The settings “opt out of US mail” and “opt out of email” affect customer report generation and Mailchimp integration if enabled.

On the contact information page areas shaded yellow display information that only admins can see and change, including Role (privilege leve), Comments visible to staff only, and Labels. Labels enable you  to attach one or more tags of your own choosing (“Potential donor”, “Advisory board member”, “Community leader”) that can be used later in reporting.

The “Do not email user a confirmation of these changes” box is checked by default. If you un-check it, then when you click “Save” to save changes to this user, a summary email will be sent to them (if they have a valid email address) indicating the changes. (Changes to admin-only-visible fields, such as Staff Comments or Role, will not be indicated in this confirmation email.)

Manually Adding a New Patron

If a patron you’re trying to serve is not in the Audience1st system, you can manually add them. (See also: Merging Duplicate Customer Profiles.)

Click “New…” in the user navigation area to manually enter information for the patron. Note that the first time they log in they will have to use the “Forgot password” feature to set a password for themselves, and this is only possible if you include a correct email address when entering the new user information.

Setting Up Accounts for Theater Staff

To create an account for a member of the theater staff, click “New…” in the user navigation area to manually enter information about the staff person. Note that the first time they log in they will have to use the “Forgot password” feature to set a password for themselves, and this is only possible if you include a correct email address when entering the new user information.

When you add a new user in Audience1st, their role is set to Patron. To give the theater staff member more privileges in the system, navigate to the user, go to the Billing/Contact tab, and change the Role setting to the desired security level for the staff member. For most theater staff, this will be Staff, Walkup Sales, Box Office, or Box Office Manager. See the Privilege Model section on the Overview of Important Concepts page for a discussion of the roles available and the privileges associated with each.