Patron List Reports

The Customer Lists report, launched from the Reports tab, enables you to find all patrons who meet specific criteria. Use this report for operational needs such as finding all subscribers who haven’t booked for the current show yet, or for data mining and understanding your patrons. There are eight different variations of this report to meet all of your needs; use the dropdown list to choose the variation appropriate for your task at hand. The variations are as follows:

  • All customers: Find patrons who were added to the system during a certain date range.
  • All subscribers: Find patrons who subscribed to a specific season or purchased a specific subscription package.
  • Attendance at specific performances: Find patrons who attended a specific performance.
  • Attendance by show: Find patrons who attended at least one show from a list of your choosing, and optionally did not attend any shows from a second list of your choosing.
  • Donor appeal: Find patrons who made at least donation of a specified amount or larger during a specified time period.
  • Lapsed subscribers: Find patrons who subscribed in the past but are not current subscribers.
  • Search customers by label: Find patrons who have been given one or more private labels by theater staff.
  • Subscriber open vouchers: Find subscribers who have a voucher to a performance that they have not yet used.

Additional filtering options are provided so that you can limit the report results to subscribers, non-subscribers, patrons who have or have not logged into Audience1st during a specified time period, patrons who have a valid email address, and/or patrons who have a valid mailing address.

All variations of the Customer Lists report give you four options for what to do with the results:

  • Display on screen, in a list format similar to that used when searching for a patron. You may optionally have the results displayed in a new window. This is helpful when you need to run a report multiple times in order to refine the search criteria; you can look at the results in the new window and then go back to the previous window to edit the criteria and run the report again.
  • Estimate number of patrons matching your criteria, but don’t display them. This can help you refine the report criteria.
  • Download the results to Excel, where you can mine the data further or set up a mail merge.
  • Export the list to Mailchimp so you can send a targeted email to all patrons listed in the report. See this article.