Types of Reports

The Reports tab in Audience1st offers five categories of reports. Additionally, donation reports are available on the Donations tab. You must have Staff access or higher to run reports.

Reports available on the Reports tab are:

  1. Sales reports tell you how many tickets and of what types have been sold for a given production. You can drill down to see similar statistics for individual performances.
  2. Revenue reports categorize your income and expenses by production, performance, or date range. Transactions are grouped by account code and payment method.
  3. Patron lists let you search for patrons based on criteria such as which shows they’ve attended, what their zip code is, whether they’ve donated recently, and so on. The results of these searches can be downloaded as Excel spreadsheets (for further analysis or printing mailing labels) or can be sent to Mailchimp for targeted email campaigns.
  4. Orders needing fulfillment can be listed in a mailing-label-friendly names and addresses format for patrons who have placed orders requiring mail fulfillment. When a voucher or other saleable item is set up, one of the options is “Requires mail fulfillment”; any orders including such products will show up on this list.
  5. Subscription counts are displayed by season with a breakdown of how many of each subscription package have been sold.