Ticket and Subscription Sales Reports

Ticket Sales

To see advance sales for one or more productions, run the Sales by Show report under the Reports tab. Select one or more productions; use control-click on Windows or command-click on Mac to select multiple productions.

When the report is displayed on the screen, you can click on an individual performance to reveal a detailed breakdown of sales by ticket type. When you download the report to Excel, all of the detailed information for each performance will be included in the one spreadsheet.

If you are looking for more specific information about the ticket sales for one specific show or performance, you can use the Revenue Details report instead. When run for one show or performance and downloaded to Excel, the report will include additional information such as patrons’ email addresses, credit card transaction IDs, and more. See this article.

Subscription Sales

The Subscription Counts report is automatically displayed at the bottom of the page whenever you click on the Reports tab. Use the dropdown list to change which season is displayed to view data from past seasons.

This report displays each of the subscriptions offered during the season, the price of the subscription, and the quantity sold. You may optionally download this report to Excel. When downloaded to Excel, the Subscription Counts report will include additional information such as the names and email addresses of the subscribers.

Orders Needing Mail Fulfillment

Many theaters fulfill subscriptions by mail, sending out a nice brochure and thank-you letter. When you create subscription packages and other voucher types, you can check the “Mail fulfillment needed” checkbox on the voucher type to indicate that you plan to mail each purchaser of this voucher type something in the mail. You can run the Orders Needing Mail Fulfillment report at any time to get a list of all the orders that require something to be mailed out to the purchaser.

As you stuff each envelope, click the checkbox to the far right of each patron’s name. Or you can wait until you have processed all of the orders displayed on the screen and then click the checkbox at the very top, far right of the list in order to check every box on the list. When you are finished, click the “Mark Checked Orders as Fulfilled” button. Audience1st will record the date, time, and who was logged in to fulfill the selected orders, and these orders won’t show up as needing mail fulfillment anymore.

If you have a large number of orders needing fulfillment, you may click the “Download to Excel” button while viewing the report on screen in order to get a file that you can use in a mail merge.