“Buy Tickets” Links and Displaying Information About Upcoming Performances

When you’re ready to start selling tickets for a production, you will want to add “Buy Tickets” links or buttons to your theater’s website and promotion emails. You might also want to display information on your theater’s website about upcoming performance dates and times and ticket availability, without having to manually input this information and edit web pages every day to keep the listings current.

This article will show you how to do all of these things.

Follow these steps to get a link that lands on the “Buy Tickets” page with a particular production pre-selected:

  1. Log into Audience1st as box office staff or higher.
  2. Click the Season tab.
  3. Click the link icon next to the name of the production you want to link to.
  4. A pop-up box will appear with a link that you can copy and paste wherever you need it.

You may use this link in links and buttons on your theater’s website and also in email messages. When a patron clicks on the link or button, their web browser will display the Audience1st storefront. They will then select a performance date and the number of tickets desired.

Follow these steps to get a link that lands on the “Buy Tickets” page with a particular production and a specific performance date pre-selected:

  1. Log into Audience1st as box office staff or higher.
  2. Click the Season tab.
  3. Click the name of the production for which you want to link to a performance.
  4. Under the Performances section of the page, click the link icon  next to the performance you want to link to.
  5. A pop-up box will appear with a link that you can copy and paste wherever you need it.

You may use this link in links and buttons on your theater’s website and also in email messages. When a patron clicks on the link or button, their web browser will display the Audience1st storefront. They will then select the number of tickets desired. (They will be able to choose a different performance if they want to.)

If your theater’s website is built with WordPress, you can use WordPress’s built-in RSS widget to display a list of upcoming performances along with a link to buy tickets for each.

This article explains how.

List Upcoming Performances with Approximate Ticket Availability

If your theater’s website is built with WordPress, you can download and install the Audience1st Ticket Availability widget to display “availability thermometers” for each performance.

This article explains how.

Display a Calendar of Upcoming Performances

If your theater’s website is built with WordPress, you can display upcoming performances with links to buy tickets in a calendar format by installing and configuring the WordPress iCal plug-in.

This article explains how.