Customizing Transactional/Confirmation Emails

Emails sent by Audience1st to patrons in order to confirm a purchase, reservation, or profile change are delivered as HTML messages. You have a great deal of control over what these emails look like; you can add boilerplate messages, colors, logos, special fonts, and more to the emails that Audience1st sends to your patrons.

Click the Options tab and go to the “Confirmation Emails” section on the Options page in order to control what emails sent to your patrons will look like. Here you will find fields where you can enter text that will be added into certain types of emails. For example, you can add a special “thank you” when a patron purchases a subscription, or you can include a refund and exchange policy when a non-subscriber purchases single tickets. Use only plain text–no HTML tags–in these text fields.

In the same area of the Options page you may also upload an HTML template to control the general appearance of the emails sent by Audience1st. Use any text editor on your computer to prepare the template file, and then click the “Replace with file” button to upload it into Audience1st.

If you upload an empty template file, or if you have not yet uploaded a template, emails sent by Audience1st will be very simple and will appear to patrons as plain text emails. If you wish to make a change to the existing template that you previously uploaded, you may click the Download button to get a copy of the current template file. You would then edit this file as desired and then click the “Replace with file” button to upload the new version.

The template file is a plain text file with these characteristics:

  • It should be a well-formed HTML 5 document including the opening <!DOCTYPE html> declaration.
  • Any CSS style information should be embedded in the document itself using the <style> element.
  • The template must contain exactly one instance of the string =+MESSAGE+=, which will be replaced by the specific message contents (order confirmation details, etc.) when the email is sent. The body portion of the email will be inside an element div.a1-email. The examples below show what elements are present in specific transactional emails.
  • The template may contain exactly one instance of the string =+FOOTER+=, which if present will be replaced by some basic information (inside a div.a1-footer element) about how to contact the theater in case of questions, based on the information filled in on the Options page. If this string is absent, the template is assumed to already include this information.

After you have made changes to any of the fields on the Options page, be sure to click the Update Settings button. You may then click the “Send Test Email” button to see how your boilerplate text and HTML styling look.