Site-Wide Options

Audience1st has a variety of site-wide options you can set; most of them will only be set once, but some you may find useful to change periodically. All can be found by clicking the Options tab on the main navbar (you must be logged in as Box Office Manager or higher to see this tab).

Hover over (or tap on a mobile device) the question mark icon  next to each setting on that screen for more information about what that setting controls.

Important: You must click the Save button at the bottom of the screen for your changes to take effect. They will typically take effect within a few minutes.

Some options allow the use of HTML-formatted text. The HTML will be “sanitized” to remove dangerous tags and attributes, such as <script> tags, javascript: handlers, and so on. In addition, for option text that includes links (<a> elements), the use of target="_blank" to open the link in a new window will be sanitized because it is a security vulnerability: instead, use class="new-window" on such elements to get the same effect.

Most of the options are self-explanatory, but a few that deserve special mention are the ones at the bottom under “Integrations”. These are important options and you must explicitly click “Allow Changes” before you can edit them:

Stripe Key and Stripe Secret

Replace these with the live mode (not “test mode”) key and secret in your account.

Stylesheet URL

The stylesheet specified in this field governs the appearance of Audience1st pages, including colors, fonts, and content to be included or excluded. Edit the stylesheet referenced by this field, or change the value in this field to reference a different stylesheet in order to manipulate Audience1st’s look.

See this article for more information about how to change the stylesheet, and see other articles in the Customizing Audience1st’s Appearance section for specific information about the stylesheet’s elements. This information will be valuable to the person who designed your theater’s website and others familiar with cascading style sheets (CSS).

Mailchimp Key and Mailchimp Default List Name

If you use Mailchimp, you can have the results of customer reports exported there for email marketing campaigns. See the Mailchimp Integration article for help.

Staff Access Only

Once you change this to “No”, your Audience1st site will be accessible to the world. “Yes” means only staff members can login.

Sender Domain

This setting controls the return address on transactional emails sent to patrons, such as purchase confirmations. Don’t change this unless you plan to use a different email provider setup than the one provided by Audience1st. Audience1st includes a “Reply to” address in transactional emails so that if a patron replies to one of these emails, the reply will be sent to your box office.